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Thesis Statement

Personal responsibility as practiced by an individual has a perfect relationship to college success. Students who seek to implement personal responsibility in their academics normally perform better than those who take blame on others. Those who practice personal responsibility would always strive to handle all activities within their boundaries to their best ability. As opposed to this concept, students who do not practice personal responsibility will always find reasons to justify their failures. Thus, this paper seeks to justify the thesis statement: students who seek to implement personal responsibility in their academics normally perform better than those who take blame on others.

Definition to Personal Responsibility

Personal responsibility is a state of drive to admit the importance of the standards established by the society for an individual’s behavior. After acceptance, an individual must strive to live as dictated by those standards. Moreover, personal responsibility further dictates that whenever an issue arises, a person should not look around to find out the cause of such a problem and justify his actions. In most cases when a problem arises, the main cause of the problem is presumed to originate from within the person and not his environment. Whenever a person seeks to blame their families, economic circumstances, peers or society for their inability to meet the standards, dismissal of personal responsibility is said to occur. The key basic areas where personal responsibility is heavily demanded include the education sector, sexual behavior within the society; work related issues as well as marriage.

In this case, personal responsibility has been expounded on with special regards to the education field. Furthermore, it is important to note that personal responsibility has a lot of contributions to ones academic success. In this case, students must have a verge to accept the responsibility of working hard in preparation for success. Working hard would involve learning as much as they can absorb in their respective class courses. Students must then have to press so hard beyond their limits so as to exhaust all their abilities and capacity.

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