Sandy Hook Shooting
Sandy Hook Shooting on December 14, 2012 took lives of over twenty five school children and their teachers who were lost in the hands of an unruly shooter. This horrible event impelled the President to establish a commission, which will investigate the case as well as adopt recommendations concerning gun control. The President’s commission implemented new recommendations in order to prevent such incidences as Sandy Hook Shooting in the future. Among the actions one may find imposing a ban on assault weapons, putting strict limits on the capacity of magazines, conducting more background checks, collecting and analyzing data on the location of guns, and stronger enforcement of current gun laws. However the proposed elements have far-reached suggestions about gun control, which have provoked another round of intense debate in the country. Nevertheless, commission’s recommendations may not resolve a problem of gun violence in our schools, thus will surely reduce such chances from occurring.
Reducing the Capacity of Magazines
Reducing the capacity of magazines is unlikely to end the era of gun violence in our schools. However, it will definitely reduce the damage that these weapons cause. This step will give a chance to attack gunman criminal when he will try to reload his gun. For instance, in a violent incident in Tucson, Arizona, a shooter called Jared Loughner was able to fire 31 bullets in 15 seconds because his handgun had a high-capacity magazine. The bloodbath ended only when he stopped to reload his gun and victims took the opportunity and pressed him to the ground. Some of the lives he took might have been saved if his magazine was of a lower capacity. Therefore, reducing the capacity of magazines could help lower the number of deaths that results from gun violence.
Prohibition of Semi-Automatic Weapons
Prohibition of semi-automatic weapons is also a step in the right direction. Without a doubt, it will not stop gun violence, however, may help to decrease the number of casualties that results in horrific murders. Assault weapons have an ability to reload another cartridge once the cartridge in use is spent. With hindsight, police can apprehend the shooter while he or she attempts to load another cartridge. Therefore, prohibition of semi-automatic to citizens is an important step in lowering the consequences of gun violence.
Background checks are also necessary for preventing the selling of dangerous weapons to people who are likely to use them for harmful purposes. Before gun purchases are made, there must be sufficient reasons to believe that this person will not use it for homicide. Moreover, the background checks may give an opportunity to reveal the actual intentions of the buyer - whether he or she wants to embody the dreadful plans. In the case of Sandy Hook Shooting, the gun that was used to murder so many children did not even belong to the killer. It was his mother’s weapon. Therefore, such checks will be able to reveal the psychological disorders of everyone who wants to have an access to the gun as well as determine the actual intention of the purchaser. The person responsible for the background check must be convinced that the gun will be kept away from children, mentally disturbed and emotionally unstable people as well as will not be accessible for criminals. Consequently, extensive checks may improve the current state of gun possession and prevent many accidents from happening.
The Sandy Hook Killings
The Sandy Hook killings showed that much more could be done to escape calamity which is caused by insufficient weapon control. Undoubtedly, the recommendations that have been accepted by the President’s commission cannot stop all further violent attacks, but they try to improve the situation. It is unfortunate that twenty six innocent lives were lost, only after which the new policy was initiated. Nevertheless, enhancement of gun control may reduce the amount of shootings in schools, but not completely.