The Relevance of the Company’s Workforce
Starbucks environmental scan entails external and internal information that exhibits the relevance of the company’s workforce. Based on the internal data, the given paper focuses on the employee’s skills and competencies. The Starbucks Company supposes its workforce to engage in business of the company by first understanding their responsibilities. Workers should be competent in a way that enables them to enhance effective communication with managers. The workers should also possess skills that bind them together at the work places, respect each other, and help to resolve different problems as they arise.
Starbucks also expects parties who are involved in the business to execute their duties in a manner that enables the workers to abide by the principles of the organization. The company also expects employees to apply their skills in creation of effective groups in order to articulate their issues and promote the interests of the company. Starbucks employers should be competent in exhibiting their negotiations skills to maintain proper relationships with their subjects. The company also expects the workforce to report misconducts among other Starbucks partners for the growth of the business (Burks, 2009).
The Demographics of Employees
The demographics of employees at Starbucks involve well-educated partners from different states with the motive of making the business grow. Starbucks refers to its employees as to partners. In 2002, the company employed 60,000 workers globally. What is more, the demographics reveal that 50,000 of the employees were from the United States. According to Howard Schultz, satisfaction of employees results into customers’ satisfaction. Jim Donald was appointed as the chief executive and the new president of the company. The leaders of Starbucks embrace diversity of employees as a component that boosts the performance of the company. The labor relations in Starbucks Company incorporate the workers union that presents different issues to the management concerning lack of promotions and dismissals. Starbucks labor relations unite in order to make reasonable demands concerning their working rights ranging from decent working environment and increase in wages (Gross, 2011). The other internal information concerns organizational attitudes, which reflect the feelings of the employees towards the company and the job.
Employees perceive Starbucks as a heritage that offers them an opportunity to share a great coffee with colleagues and make the world a better place. Starbucks workers perform their duties in a way that enhances a strong bond, which makes the company the best seller of coffee in the market. The employee’s organizational attitude is also evident through their mission, which is to nurture and inspire the customers. As a result, the company relates well with their clients and employers, which leads to growth of the organization.
Currently, Starbucks has 17,000 stores in 55 countries and this fact has made the employers develop a positive attitude towards their job (Gilbert, 2008). This is evident when the employees strive to spread their heritage in working hard for the Starbucks Company to gain experience, especially in their relationship with other members of organization. The revenue at Starbucks reveals that it will give the taxman 20 million pounds after receiving complaints from the public. This happened after Starbucks failed to pay for their levies for past three years. The turnover at Starbucks was also evident, when they agreed to suspend their accounting techniques, which were used in minimizing tax bills by pushing profits overseas. As a result, Starbucks will pay a heavy tax of 10 million pounds each to cover for the previous and next years (Gilbert, 2008). This will lead to a turnover of the Starbucks Company and affect both the profits and sales of the business.
Based on the external data, the given paper focuses on educational demographics and curricula in supporting the mission of Starbucks Company. This attributes to sharing success of the company with employees through providing education benefits. Starbucks sponsors individuals to access education by paying tuition fee. This step has increased the number of individuals who enroll in the schools and colleges. Thus, the company fulfills its mission of enhancing welfare of other members of society. The workforce demographics at Starbucks show that they had a battle with McDonald’s. This is evident through the offers from both companies, where McDonalds offers a cup of coffee at 4 dollars. On the other hand, Starbucks also embraces the similar strategy by offering sandwiches and drive–thru at their restaurants.
Featuring politics and government actions, the given paper also considers employment laws at Starbucks, which terminate employees who tend to go against their laws. For instance, Starbucks dismisses workers, who take part in such activities like protesting in the public. The trends of court actions reveal that Starbucks has the habit of tip pooling among the employees, which is statute-prohibited. The court further rejects the Starbucks challenge to representation when it comes to adequacy. However, Starbucks argues that the designated representative’s class could not protect interests of such employees in the organization (Bernoff, 2010).
Considering the economic, cultural, and social trends, the given paper focused on emerging occupations and unemployment rates at Starbucks. The emerging occupations involve information technology, where individuals learn diverse skills in technology. To curb the unemployment rates, Starbucks raised 11.5 million dollars that could assist in creating approximately 4,000 jobs. The technological trends at Starbucks reveal that the coffee company had technology debts in 2008. It was evident, when Starbucks experienced under-investment in IT infrastructure in order to focus on fast growth by increasing stores. However, the stores did not show positive growth as expected, which led to the downfall of technology at Starbucks.