Tips on Article Critique Format

What is an article critique?  

The beginning step is to define the notion of article critique format. Evaluating somebody’s writing is a very comprehensive task. You should not only tell about weak and strong sides of the writing, but also decode the message of an author and try to understand the aim of a paper. Formatting defines the way your paper is organized and looks like. One more thing to ease the task for you is to search for appropriate examples at article critique writing services.

Compose an Introduction in the Way That It Could Serve as an Outline of Your Paper

Once you have started writing, do not forget about article critique format and do not try to enclose all the characteristics and advantages of your writing in two paragraphs. It is a bad idea to devote the very beginning of the paper to praising the further writing. On the contrary, you could tell more about the related spheres and some background information, as well as some pitfalls of the subject discussed.

Irreplaceable elements of every critique article are the author’s name, and article’s thesis and focus. This is truly important to mention the writer’s personality and some facts on his or her biography related to the theme undertaken. For example, the writer’s position or view on certain things may be a key to understanding some aspects of his/her work. What is more, it is necessary to identify aims and say a couple of words about the title of article. Do not forget to speak briefly about the date of publication. A reader should be also informed about the format of a written piece. Usually, the most preferred academic writing style is APA.

Introducing Evidence to Defend Your Arguments

Composing the main body of an article, you should bring some new thoughts and judgments. Additionally, expand some already mentioned ideas. Lead a reader in the direction, which will logically uncover your conclusions and theories. Talking about the structure of every single paragraph, you should start with a topic sentence that briefly gives a summary of further coming information. But, it doesn’t mean it should contain each point to be presented; a topic sentence performs a function of outlining and leading a reader.

A Strategy to Apply for Disclosing Your Critique and Putting Forward Some Inferences

One more requirement is to touch upon the importance of your evaluation in the whole branch of studies. Provide rationalization for completing this kind of written assignment, so that your target reader will be ensured in value and usefulness of it. Moreover, let somebody, who is going to perceive an article, have a broader look on the subject in a certain field of studies. In drawing things to a close, you should catch readers’ attention and leave an imprint on their memory by highlighting the significance of this evaluation.

Following these steps, you are halfway to create a successful critique article that will fulfill professor’s and your own expectations.

Article Critique APA Format

What does it mean if you have been asked to apply article critique APA format? Formatting, as well as the content of a paper, are the things to be estimated by professors. This is the reason why you should be very attentive when editing and checking your final draft. Thousands of students choose American Psychological Association (APA) formatting style when working with such type of writing as a critique article. This style has a complex of guidelines and rules to follow:

  • It is necessary to double-space your text.
  • Opt for 1-inch margins.
  • Required type font is Times New Roman.
  • The size of character font should be 12.
  • The structure of the paper should contain a title page, annotation, the main body and a list of references.
  • The essential components of the title page are your name, your school’s name and some data about you.

How to Write an Article Critique in APA Format?

APA format article critique has a number of concrete rules.

  1. In the section of annotation, you should summarize in short the paper, which a reader is going to perceive. Emphasize what effect it may produce on a reader and tell which methods and strategies you have used in the process of writing. Place the word ‘Abstract’ in the center at the top of a page. This part should be 15-250 words in length.
  2. Then, provide the title of your work on the next page and go on disclosing the subject and your argumentation. Try to be critical but also dispassionate and reasonable when mentioning the mistakes of the article, which you are evaluating. Tell in which way you have examined a work and other details.
  3. In the last part of your writing, you should provide a list of references. Even if you place there only one source – the article, which you are analyzing, – you should strictly adhere to the rules of the formatting style. The order should be as follows: the last name of the author, initials, the year of publication, article’s title, the title of a journal, number of pages.
  4. When citing some information in text, you should indicate the author’s name and the exact year when the work was published.

Article Critique Format MLA

Article critique format MLA first appeared as a technique to document sources, which were used in academic writing. Nowadays, it is mostly applied in works on humanities and liberal arts; especially, in papers which aim at discovering linguistics, culture, etc. This format suggests a concrete framework for a document and provides organization for a great number of various sources. You may even cite a website or a podcast. In case of writing a research paper, there are some specific rules to approach formatting of this type of academic writing.

The paper should be edited in a proper way regardless of the formatting style you use. When you thoroughly and seamlessly analyze the source, which you have chosen, it demonstrates your skillfulness, persistence and gives more chances to get a fulfilling mark for this assignment.