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This report is based upon the book More Liberty Means Less Government written by Walter Williams. This book is published by Hoover Institution Press and is copyrighted in 1999 by the Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University.

Walter E. Williams is a well-known and outspoken Professor of Economics in the John M. Olin Foundation at George Mason University. He is the author of a number of books and more than sixty articles inside academic journals such as American Economic Review, Economic Inquiry, and Social Science Quarterly. His articles also can be found in columns of Reader’s Digest, Newsweek, and others. He is famed for the book The State against Blacks (1982) which was highly disapproved by some people. Walter E. Williams yet again caused much indignation among left-wing representatives with challenging insights and brutal frankness provided in his book More Liberty Means Less Government: Our Founders Knew This Well.

In the book, the author remarks that the actions of Congress must be Constitutional, particularly under Section 8 of Article I, which allows Congress to decide on federal budget. However, budget allocations on housing, corporate subsidies, education, social security, and foreign wellbeing programs are interfered with. As said by Williams, these areas are not only short of the authority of Constitution, but they also run into the observable interventionism which is an offensive invasion into non-public issues. All of them virtually attract the law of unintended penalty, which makes the situation even worse.

Williams is an advocate of free market economics and he is against the socialist system of government interference. With regard to this, he says that there is a positive correlation between economic freedom and higher standards of living. He cites Hong Kong as the world’s freest economy with a rating of 9.3. In addition, he praises laissez-faire capitalism as being the most moral and most productive system that has been ever devised. What is more, Williams suggests the idea that if an individual is in possession of something, they have the legal right to sell it. Hereafter he supports the idea of legalizing the selling of one’s own organs. According to the writer, the fact that the government prohibits people from selling their own organs is an infringement of their property rights. He supports his argument by saying, “If I do not own my organs, please tell me who does” (Williams, 1999). The author accuses Congress of establishing the links between the careless government expenditure and the unconstitutional laws along with shifting the responsibility on Americans who are unaware of the economic impact. According to Williams, “Welfare is one example where politicians through the tax code take the earnings of one American and gives to another” (Williams, 1999). He describes this as a legalized theft.

More Liberty Means Less Government: Our Founders Knew This Well by Walter Williams is an excellent guide for college students and professors. It has broken down and made it easier to understand free market from a pro-liberty standpoint. The book confronts the current economic system with unsympathetic candor. The author does this through presenting a stirring display of influential ideas and extensive information to support his viewpoints on the problems that Americans are facing in critical areas such as race, government, law, environment, education, international relations, and others.

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