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From deep in my heart, I appreciate my parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, teachers, lecturers and friends for making my education successful. It is my sincere gratitude for your unending support, care and concern to make me the person I am today. Were it not for your limitless love, my life would be totally different. I have noted everlasting care since the time I started my education. This love has been extended to this final day. Your attendance to this graduation has overwhelmed me. In fact, this is beyond my expectations. For sure, people have ever had graduation ceremonies, but this surpasses them all.

I sincerely thank my parents in their absentia. They have worked hard and sacrificed their finances to see my success. My brothers and sister, I respect you for your continuous support and guidance. Aunt Gladys and her family have been there for me at all times. To all my relatives, I value your love. This day could not be a success if Mrs. Washington did not train me how to write letter and pronounce syllables. She encouraged me to move on with education irrespective of my visual impairment at that young age. Mr. Jacob represents all my high school teachers who worked tirelessly to ensure I am not carried away by peer influence. This is why I managed to join the university.

Joining higher education institution did not mean I had to graduate. It only paved a way. The faculty did not give me a chance to relax. They worked hard to see me become a woman of integrity. Mrs. Andrew had to use her precious time to encourage me when I had given up in life after a whole month in the hospital. All the instructors offered me a shoulder to lean on. This success is not mine alone. Instead, it is ours.


Next year, I will be joining the university again to master this degree. I will work hard, and never will I let you down. I will carry the flag high again and become a doctor in this field soon. I am encouraged by your love and the confidence you have in me. Thank you once more.

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