Most Full-Scale Complex Cancer Centers of the USA
Nowadays MD Anderson Cancer Center is one of the most full-scale complex cancer centers of the USA. It is situated in University of Texas at Austin and it is among the forty one comprehensive cancer centers, listed by the National Cancer Institute. This is the International Center of individual cancer therapy, which aims to use the latest genetic data to develop effective cancer treatments to the individual patient.
On the Center’s logo the word “cancer” is crossed by red color. It is made not without a purpose: the aim of the Center is to leave illness in the past and to move on. Each year, MD Anderson Cancer Center invests hundreds of millions of dollars in research activities and receives a government subsidy under ten scientific programs in the specialty. Anderson Center conducts research of the causes and development of methods of treatment and prevention of cancer, with the goal to make this disease a history.
Every year more than 1,000 residents and doctoral students are training in the MD Anderson Cancer Center to receive special preparation in the research and treatment of cancer. In addition to them in training programs of the Cancer Center participates annually over four thousands three hundreds students.
Ethical Values of the Center
Ethical values of the center are treatment of patients, empathy and compassion. Most doctors learned these values and guided them in their clinical practice. Treatment of the patient begins with the establishment of close personal contact between the patient and the physician. In many cases, when the patient trusts the doctor entirely, the inner convictions patient will serve as the best way to help the treatment. MD Anderson Cancer Center has special attitude to the patients and ability to single out from the mass of conflicting and physical signs of towering computer data those ones that are the most important, paramount and crucial to make the right decision in treatment.