Nature of Thought

Human thinking process has been one of the most attractive mechanisms for psychologists to study. Although each approach...

Behavioral Therapy

Behavior therapy represents a method to psychiatric therapy in the behaviourism belief that accentuates a set of techniq...

Three Basic Principles of Erickson’s Theory of Development

Erik Erickson’s theory is centered on the notion that the behavior of an individual would depend on eight psychoso...

Major Depression

Major depression, also known as clinical depression, is a mood state that goes way beyond temporary sadness or feeling b...

Impacts of Nutrition on Academic Performance

The quality of what we eat plays a pivotal role in cognitive and social aspects of life. The practices that we learned i...

Psychology of Parenting Styles: the Effect of Parents on their Children

Rearing is a difficult but at the same time necessary job. Parents have the greatest impact on the lives of their childr...

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